Harmony is on the horizon
Simplify your travel experience with Harmony Inn - we have something for every kind of traveler.

Keep it simple in Harmony Inn
We offer great experience that meets your budget.
Valentine, NE
New Ulm, MN
Valentine, NE
Know that when you book a room at the Harmony Inn – Valentine, you’ll soon be able to simplify your travel experience in one of Nebraska’s most scenic and dynamic areas.

New Ulm, MN
As a valued guest at our Harmony Inn – New Ulm, you will have access to helpful amenities and a convenient location in south-central Minnesota.

Delivering the basics to enjoy the journey
As a valued guest at our Harmony Inn, you will have access to helpful amenities that are easy on your wallet and convenient locations providing easy access to local flavors.

Amenities to suit every kind of traveler
Find all the basics you need in our welcoming guest rooms. Get some rest on our cozy, pillow-top mattresses, and jumpstart the morning with a hot cup of coffee.
Harmony Inn at a glance
Amenities for every kind of traveler.
Free Wi-Fi
Laundry Facilities
Pet Friendly
Truck Parking
Bus Parking
Free Coffee
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